Now I know that I have talked about Lightup in a previous article and noted its differences from other 3d rendering plugins that are available for Sketchup. I just wanted to show you a couple of other things that it can do.
Lux Analysis - Lightup can help you out if you need to check your lux levels in your model. You need to assign .ies files to all of your lights if you want it to work properly, but turning the render mode to Lux Contours will give you a hybrid render with a spectrum colour analysis of your lux levels which you can use to check against your lighting design. Very cool!
Animations/Video - Just to be clear, Lightup can produce realtime rendered interactive walkthrough models as well as the more traditional kind where you generate a series of animation frames to form a video. It is very easy to do and uses your Sketchup scenes and animation settings to determine the walkthrough path and timings. Have a look at the video below. Note that this video only took about 5 minutes to create on my PC laptop. For a traditional rendering plugin, creating this many frames at this size video would take several days or more.
Lightup For Sketchup is available at: